Our initial Process takes place over three meetings with ongoing meetings once we have established a business relationship. First, we have a Discovery Meeting. This values-based discussion takes place so that we can learn more about you. We look at where you are now, what your goals are, and search for gaps where we can make a significant impact.
Next, is the Investment Plan Meeting. We'll use what we learned during Discovery to build your personal profile and recommend a roadmap designed to move you toward your unique goals. At this meeting, we will tell you one of three things:
"We have uncovered gaps in your plan where we can make a significant impact. This is how we can help you." "You need assistance to address key issues. You will be better suited by working with another professional. Here is who we believe can help you."
"You currently don't need a thing. You are fine where you are." The third meeting is a Mutual Commitment Meeting. If it occurs, we each sign the client agreement, and we define next steps and responsibilities.
We will then implement the plan, coordinating that process with you, and your accountants or attorneys, if necessary. We also meet with our own team to create an advanced plan to address wealth enhancement, wealth transfer, wealth preservation and charitable giving.
We have a 45-day follow up meeting where we will help you organize your paperwork and address any questions you may have, where we provide you with your Advanced Plan.
We monitor our plans and progress and report to you, making adjustments as needed. We are always available when you want information, changes or simply an update.
Investment Consulting + Advanced Planning + Relationship Management
= Wealth Management
Investment Consulting
Advanced Planning
Relationship Management
To serve your investing needs, we use a number of strategies and analytics including:
- Providing investment and advice that matches your timeline for various goals and risk tolerance.
- Providing portfolio management using fundamental and tactical analysis to choose your investments
- Implementing asset preservation strategies to help actively manage risk.
Our advanced planning capabilities allow us to provide meaningful solutions such as:
- A wealth road map that provided direction based on where you are now, where you want to be and actionable strategies to help you get there.
- A wealth enhancement strategy to help counteract the effects of taxes and inflation
- A wealth transfer plan to help wealth pass efficiently to family or friends
- Wealth preservation tactics to help preserve your assets from risks of loss if unexpected events occur a plan for charitable giving
Ongoing clarity of your critical needs and meeting those needs over time, utilizing scheduled review and meetings, to maintain a consultative process.
Assembling and managing a network of experienced professionals, as needed, as well as working effectively with your attorneys and accountants.
Note: Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected.